ISM: 02.–05.02.2025 #ISMCOLOGNE

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What Consumers Are Craving For: Globale Verbrauchertrends in der Snack-Industrie | Event on the ISM - the world's largest trade fair for sweets and snacks

What Consumers Are Craving For: Global Consumer Trends in the Snacks Industry

from Euromonitor International
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Trends, Market Research
Euromonitor International
Zollhof 8
40221 Düsseldorf
+49 211 8909440
Expert Stage

The event

Every year, Euromonitor releases the Global Consumer Trends -a white paper preparing industries for the main consumer behaviours and preferences to look for in the near future. In this presentation, Ana Tique will zoom into three trends that are specifically relevant to snack consumers: Ask AI, Delightful Distractions, and Wellness Pragmatists. Alongside them, she'll be sum up relevant results from Euromonitor's Consumer and Industry surveys and present some case studies that illustrate how innovation is supporting these trends.


Senior Research Analyst

Euromonitor International