ISM: 02.–05.02.2025 #ISMCOLOGNE

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New Product Showcase

New Product Showcase at ISM

The New Product Showcase was the top event for all decision-makers. Here exhibitors show their products that have been newly developed after the last ISM. In a high-quality special exhibition you could find out about the innovations in the confectionery and snack sector.

The top innovations were selected by an independent and knowledgeable jury consisting of experts from the fields of industry, trade, and science. The three best innovations were recognised and honoured with an award at the ISM dinner.

The top 3 innovations of ISM in 2024 are:

1. Winner: ChoViva, Planet A Foods GmbH

ISM top innovation winner: 1. ChoViva - Climate-friendly indulgence

Product: ChoViva

Company: Planet A Foods GmbH

Pure innovation: instead of cocoa beans, oats and sunflower seeds from the region are used in an innovative production process. This creates the full-bodied, chocolatey flavour that everyone knows and loves.

2. Winner: Cacaofruit Bites, Gudrun Commercial

ISM top innovation winner: 2. Cacaofruit Bites

Product: Cacaofruit Bites

Company: Gudrun Commercial

Sustainability, innovation and an explosion of fruitiness in one delicious treat. The filling is infused with an extract from the pulp of the cocoa fruit.

3. Winner: PEZ MyHEAD, PEZ International

Product: PEZ MyHEAD

Company: PEZ International

It's never been done before! With PEZ MyHEAD you can create a personalised PEZ dispenser - for yourself, your family, friends or business partners.

Read here the interview with Hans Bangelmeier of PEZ International

Catalogue New Product Showcase 2024

The outstanding innovations of ISM 2024

Catalogue (.pdf)

Innovations of the New Product Showcase 2024

ISM Consumer Award

For the second time: Consumers once again choose the absolute consumer favourite from an exclusive selection of products from the New Product Showcase.

The consumers' favourite