ISM: 02.–05.02.2025 #ISMCOLOGNE

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Consumers’ Desire for Elevated Experiences: Chancen in der Sweets- & Snacksbranche | Event on the ISM - the world's largest trade fair for sweets and snacks

Consumers’ Desire for Elevated Experiences: Opportunities in Sweets & Snacks

from Innova Market Insights B.V.
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Trends, Market Research
Innova Market Insights B.V.
Velperweg 18
6824 BH Arnhem
Expert Stage

The event

Continued economic uncertainty and global issues contribute to consumers’ longing for a sense of comfort. Entertaining at home, cooking with friends and family and indulging in unique treats and flavors are becoming popular ways to share joy and increase happiness. Learn about the opportunities in sweets & snacks uncovered by consumers' desire for an elevated experience.


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Innova Market Insights B.V.

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Innova Market Insights B.V.